Saturday, January 29, 2005

Current instrument cluster

First project

Well I finally know what the first project is going to be. Now this isn't really part of restoring The Silver Bullet, but rather just adding a feature that should have been installed a long time ago. I bought a tachometer over EBay this morning which I'll install over Presidents Weekend. Nowadays tachometers or tachs as they are called are in most if not all cars, but when this car was purchased it was an option and since my car has an automatic transmission my dad didn't have the tach installed. My car currently has a rather large clock in place of the tachometer. This clock will be removed and the tach installed. A smaller clock will be installed to the right of gauge cluster in an auxiliary spot underneath the oil pressure gauge.

Monday, January 24, 2005


Over the past few days I've been posting various questions on a number of forums about how to go about this project. I've also inquired about my welding concerns. The idea of passing large amounts of current through my car has me a tad worried. When I go home I'll look at the shop manuals in regards to welding and other body work. You may have noticed the Google Ads on the right side of your screen. The proceeds from those ads will go to this project. In other news The Silver Bullet will not be towed off campus anytime soon because it has a brand new parking permit that is good till the end of February. This best part about this permit is that it was free! The lore of The Silver Bullet must be at work or maybe the parking lady is just nice.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

A few things

I realized this morning that I should make a few things clear:
  1. Major construction will not begin until after I finish this semester May 13, 2005.
  2. The above date only applies if I'm around this summer, and have all the equipment required. There is a possibility that I may not be around at all.
  3. My current time will be spent investigating my car for areas that need work as well as how to fix them.
  4. My car is not on campus so finding all the problem areas will take some time.

This is all that I can think of at this point. I'll be posting some pictures at some point.

A small intro

My name is Eric. When my mom was pregnant with me her current car died. When looking for a new car my unborn self was a big influence. It is because of me that my parents ended up buying a brand new 1985 Volvo 240DL Station Wagon. It has been almost 19 years since I entered the world. The car now mine and has over 300,000 miles on it! I have lived my life in that car. It has served me and my family well over the years, unfortunately this story has a dark side. 1985 was one of the worst years for Volvo bodies. My car although in excellent condition mechanically is rusting. It is however, not to far gone. It's bad I'll admit, but the structural integrity is still there. This car has a ton of sentimental value to myself as well as family and friends. This is why this summer I will undertake my greatest project to date. I intend to bring my car now known as "The Silver Bullet" back to its original glory and then some.

This ladies and gentlemen is the story of The Silver Bullet…